The process of economic development
by Cypher James M
Additional authors:
Dietz James
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Physical details: 608p.
Economic Growth
Agriculture and development
International Institutional Linkages
Development imperative : Poverty
Measuring economic growth and development : International comparison of income- purchasing power parity, HDI,human development
Development in historical perspective : Colonialism, de-industrialization in colonies, impact of colonies, trade and comparative advantage , credit and underdevelopment, imperialism, decolonization, economic dualism,
Theories of development and underdevelopment
Classical and neoclassical theories : Adam Smith- competitive capitalism and growth, Malthu's theory of population and economic growth, Ricardo's theory of diminishing return and comparative advantage, Marx's analysis of capitalist development neoclassical growth models
Developmentalist theories of economic development : Theory of balance growth, unblances growth, utilizing economic surplus
Heterodox theories of economic development : Latin American structuralists, institutionalists,dependency analysis, classical marxism
Structural transformation : State as a potential agent of transformation - from neoliberalism to embedded autonomy : Neoliberal paradigm, government in process of development, political economy, neoliberal theory, embedded autonomy, neoliberalism of Deepak Lal
Endogenous growth theories and new strategies for development : Income convergence controversy, endogenous growth models
Initial structural transformation - industrialization process : Economic growth and development, structural transformation, infant industry protection, state autonomy to successful ISI, para-state firms and social capital
Strategy switching and industrial transformation : Foreign exchange shortages, endowments and polices, subsequent strategy switches, export promotion
Agriculture and development : Inadequate infrastructural investment, primary product mono-exporters, peasant agriculture and small scale cultivators, peasants efficient producers, high-yield varieties and rural productivity, developemnt problems of cash crop farmers, large landholdings and agrarian backwardness, plantation economies, transnational agribusiness, land reforms
Population, education and human capital : Population problem, demographic transition, human capital accumulation, market failure
Technology and development : Total factor productivity and national technology, technology centred development v/s capital -centred development, industrial innovation, industrial polices to promote national technology, macropolices and technological change, policy implications
Problems and issue - Transnational corporations and economic development : Import substitution industrialization and TNCs, globally integrated production system, direct foreign investment, less developed countries gains from DFI, export processing zones, integrated production system
Macroeconomic equilibrium - Internal balance : Inflation, alternative theories of inflation, empirical research on inflation and economic growth, correctly identifying the source of inflationary pressures, unemployment and informal sector
Macroeconomic equilibrium- external balance : Exchange rates, real v/s nominal exchange rates,balance of payments, good external imbalances, monitoring balance of payments
Debt problem and development : External debt dilemma, debt crisis, borrow externally, debt burden and crisis, debt overhang and future economic growth
International institutional linkages - IMF , World bank and foreign aid : International monetary fund, IMF SALs, sustainable development
Year: 1997
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