Growth & development: With special reference to developing economies
by Thirlwall A P
Published by : Palgrave Macmillan (New York) Physical details: 816p. ISBN:0-333-98088-3.
Economic Development
International Trade
Development and underdevelopment : Study of economic development, development gap and measurement of poverty, characteristics of underdevelopment and structural change - poverty, famine, food production, basic needs, Rostow's stages of growth, industrialisation and growth, Kaldor's growth laws, theories of economic growth- why growth rates differ between countries - Harrod Domer growth theories, neoclassical growth theory, production function approaches to the analysis of growth
Factors in the development process : Land, labour and agriculture , rural -urban migration, capital and technical progress
Obstacles to development : Dualism, centre-periphery models and process of cumulative causation, population and development
Role of the state, allocation of resources, sustainable development and the choice of techniques : Resources allocation in developing countries- market mechanism and the role of the state, project appraisal, social cost-benefit analysis and shadow wages, development and the environment, choice of techniques, input-output analysis
Financing economic development : Financing development from domestic resources, foreign assistance debt and development
International trade, the balance of payments and development : Trade and development, balance of payments, international monetary assistance and development, IMF, EFF, CFF, SRF,CCL, PRGF
Year: 2003
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