Promises of E-Governance: Operational challenges
by Gupta M P
Published by : Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited (New Delhi) Physical details: 560p. ISBN:0-07-058359-5.
Internet in public administration in Congresses..
Internet in public administration in India in Congresses.
Information technology in Congresses.
Government to citizen relationships : Economic situation, formulation of citizen's charter, e-governance, city-zen-chip, managing multiplicity in citizen's identity- taluka level case study, Indianexperience on G2C service delivery models- selected case studies and lessons for future development, e-governance in Indian panorama - government to citizen relationship, study on interest awareness level- perception and acceptability of e-governance by Indian citizens, impact of e-governance in district administration, leveraging information technology for rural empowerment - an experiment in north eastern states of India, new perspective of e-governance by web services, healthcare e-governance in post 9/11 America, information technologyusage in state health system in Punjab, e-commerce and its implications to Malaysian income tax, e-government to identify corruption abuses, digital divide and digital unity in e-governance in India, issues in bridging the digital divide in India
Government to business relationships : Public private partnership for e-governance, e-business perspective of e-governance, e- transformation as strategic tool for SMEs in developing nations, work force diversity perceptions from Indian industries, management challenges for government organizations, implication of information technology on corporate governance
Government to government relationships (G2G) : Internal management challenges for effective e-governance in India, transformed organization for effective e-governance through genetic algorithm, e-governance and re-engineering issues, training in e-government, Indian tech mangers at work, educating administrators on e-governance, e-governance scenario in Delhi, multi level analysis of IP effectiveness in government- case study of DIT, technical education system and e-governance, knowledge management in e-governance- need for effective performance measures
System development and framework : Implementation of e-government in Israel- five layers model of e-government, systems development for e-government, managing risk in large e-governance projects, sustinable technology for administrative re-engineering (STAR)- model for e-governance projects, suggested typology of e-government projects and implications for risk and impact, collaborative platform for developing e-governance applications, defining data administration and operational policies at business object level for e-governance applications, secure methods for electronic management of student academic records in university, community software solution framework (CSSF)- delivery e-governance through community portals in rural areas, desirability of e-governance- review if ATMA pilot project in Muzaffarpur, database design for nationwide information system to govern country effectively
Experience sharing : E-governance, structuring and implementing citizen service lessons from experience, success factors of electronic government service- Malaysian electronic government pilot project case study, E- governance experience in Bellandur- ICT and rural development, madhya Pradesh, Gyandoot, Andhra Pradesh, information technology projects for Masses, E-seva in Andhra Pradesh, Saukaryam- municipal e-governance, crime alaysis, building citizen relationship management and e-government for development
Experiments : Innovative approach to deeds registration - PRISM, e-praman patra- sector specific application of e-government, e-suvidha- citizen service at community information center in northeast, e-government initiatives in Tamil Nadu corporation for development of women Ltd
E-filing for content and knowledge management in government, HALRIS- Haryana land record information system- automation of land mutation and registration workflow, core information technology infrastructure for statewide computering in Haryana, district level e-governance initiatives in Himachal Pradesh, lesspaper office environment, university initiatives for e-governance successes, successful rural initiatives in e-governance, grass root level development by creating knowledge based societies - EKPANCH, e-grama- rural information gateway in Orissa, power internet - initiative to improve internal efficiency
Year: 2004