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Promises of E-Governance: Operational challenges

by Gupta M P
Published by : Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited (New Delhi) Physical details: 560p. ISBN:0-07-058359-5.
Subject(s): Internet in public administration in Congresses.. -- Internet in public administration in India in Congresses. -- Information technology in Congresses. -- Government to citizen relationships : Economic situation, formulation of citizen's charter, e-governance, city-zen-chip, managing multiplicity in citizen's identity- taluka level case study, Indianexperience on G2C service delivery models- selected case studies and lessons for future development, e-governance in Indian panorama - government to citizen relationship, study on interest awareness level- perception and acceptability of e-governance by Indian citizens, impact of e-governance in district administration, leveraging information technology for rural empowerment - an experiment in north eastern states of India, new perspective of e-governance by web services, healthcare e-governance in post 9/11 America, information technologyusage in state health system in Punjab, e-commerce and its implications to Malaysian income tax, e-government to identify corruption abuses, digital divide and digital unity in e-governance in India, issues in bridging the digital divide in India -- Government to business relationships : Public private partnership for e-governance, e-business perspective of e-governance, e- transformation as strategic tool for SMEs in developing nations, work force diversity perceptions from Indian industries, management challenges for government organizations, implication of information technology on corporate governance -- Government to government relationships (G2G) : Internal management challenges for effective e-governance in India, transformed organization for effective e-governance through genetic algorithm, e-governance and re-engineering issues, training in e-government, Indian tech mangers at work, educating administrators on e-governance, e-governance scenario in Delhi, multi level analysis of IP effectiveness in government- case study of DIT, technical education system and e-governance, knowledge management in e-governance- need for effective performance measures -- System development and framework : Implementation of e-government in Israel- five layers model of e-government, systems development for e-government, managing risk in large e-governance projects, sustinable technology for administrative re-engineering (STAR)- model for e-governance projects, suggested typology of e-government projects and implications for risk and impact, collaborative platform for developing e-governance applications, defining data administration and operational policies at business object level for e-governance applications, secure methods for electronic management of student academic records in university, community software solution framework (CSSF)- delivery e-governance through community portals in rural areas, desirability of e-governance- review if ATMA pilot project in Muzaffarpur, database design for nationwide information system to govern country effectively -- Experience sharing : E-governance, structuring and implementing citizen service lessons from experience, success factors of electronic government service- Malaysian electronic government pilot project case study, E- governance experience in Bellandur- ICT and rural development, madhya Pradesh, Gyandoot, Andhra Pradesh, information technology projects for Masses, E-seva in Andhra Pradesh, Saukaryam- municipal e-governance, crime alaysis, building citizen relationship management and e-government for development -- Experiments : Innovative approach to deeds registration - PRISM, e-praman patra- sector specific application of e-government, e-suvidha- citizen service at community information center in northeast, e-government initiatives in Tamil Nadu corporation for development of women Ltd -- E-filing for content and knowledge management in government, HALRIS- Haryana land record information system- automation of land mutation and registration workflow, core information technology infrastructure for statewide computering in Haryana, district level e-governance initiatives in Himachal Pradesh, lesspaper office environment, university initiatives for e-governance successes, successful rural initiatives in e-governance, grass root level development by creating knowledge based societies - EKPANCH, e-grama- rural information gateway in Orissa, power internet - initiative to improve internal efficiency
Year: 2004
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