Gender and social movements
by Kuumba M Bahati
Published by : Rawat Publication (New Delhi) Physical details: 188p. ISBN:81-7033-780-1.
Social movements as gendered terrain : Transforming the sociology of social movements
Case study in comparative gender perspective : Background and historical context, multiplying oppressions- gender intersecting race class domination, gender integration and parallelism in social movements, civil rights and black power in united states, anti apartheid movement in south Africa, toward comparative gendered social movement analysis
Theorizing gender in social movements : Linking social movement theories and gender- macro, Meso and microlevels, political process model, resources mobilization theory, new social movement theories, emergent theory from movement lives, gendered political opportunities, resources and identities- anti pass campaign and Montgomery bus boycott, gendered social movement theory- from application and critique to transformation
Getting fired up- gendered factors in movement mobilization : Gender and social movement mobilization- macrolevel dimension, networks and mobilization structures- mesolevel, micro mobilization- grievances, action frames and identities, gendered mobilization- synthesis of macro-, meso-, and microlevels
Social resistance strategies - Myths of gender neutrality : Movements strategies and tactics- gender blind, structuring of social protest, gender symmetry and asymmetry in resistance strategies, submerged and hidden strategies- women's political cultures, beyond the myth of gender neutral strategy
Repercussion- gendered interests and social movement outcomes : Viewing gender in social movement outcomes, gendered interests- strategic, practical and interactive, racial and national liberation, civil rights and anti apartheid outcomes, trends in gendered social movement research and action
women & society
Year: 2003
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