Public enterprise management and privatisation : Principles and practice of public enterprise management)
by Chand, S
Additional authors:
Narain Laxmi
Published by :
S.Chand& Company LTD
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 432p.
Indian Economy
Board of Directors
Public Accountabiluty
Industrial Relation, public enterprises
Management - Place and extent in Indian economy :History, industrialization in India after independence, constitution of India, five year plans, employment
Rationale, objectives and nationalisation policy - historical perspective : nationalisation policy, economic growth
Organisational patterns at micro and macro levels : Apex or multi -unit company, SAIL model, multi- purpose corporation, ministry of PE
Board of directs - functions and constitution : Public enterprises selection board, interest representation on the board, qualifications for appointment, tenure of appointment
Measures of efficiency : CAGs review, inter-firm comparison, waste as an index of efficiency
Profitability and performance : resource mobilization, profitability, insurance companies, railways, postal services
Public accountability : Committee on public undertaking
Relationship with the government and public enterprises Adhoc committees, action committee, principles of government-PE relationship
Public relations and the consumer : LIC, IOC & NTPC
Financial management : Financing capital requirements, equity and loan from government, internal resources, long term funding
Pricing policies and practices : Principles of pricing, break even pricing policy, pricing in competitive market, subsidised price, cost-plus price, administered or retention price, price and purchase preference
Personnel management : Recruitment and service condition, reservation policy job security, compensation and benefits, work culture, training and development, over staffing, surplus workforce, NRF and VRS
Industrial relations and workers participation : Labour management , government's labour policy, wage fixation
Materials and production management : State electricity board
Marketing management : SAIL, BHEL, IOC, HMT
Project appraisal management : Process of identification of projects and project cycle, public investment board
Privatization, liberalization and globalization : Disinvestment techniques, regulatory mechanism consequent upon privatisation
Privatisation policy and practice in India : Disinvestment commission, Vajpayee government's policy, SCOPE's approach to privatisation
Year: 1980
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