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Development Finance

by Rao P K
Published by : Springer (New York) Physical details: 209p ISBN:3-540-40153-9.
Subject(s): Economic development in Finance. -- International finance. -- Sustainable development. -- markets, institutions and transaction costs : Contracts, agency and transaction costs, financial institutions, economics of contracts, asymmetric information, economic information, welfare maximization, capital market and credit rationing - equilibrium and credit rationing, risk management - value at risk, VAR, capital asset pricing model, financial crises, domestic and international capital flows, FDI, developing countries and credit markets -- Finance, economic growth and development : Capital flows and economic growth, financial institutions and economic growth, financial development and economic growth, financial development and economic development -- Microcredit and inverted banking :Social collateral and inverted banking, credit markets- formal and informal system, rural credit markets, design of rural credit institutions, model case- Grameen bank of Bangladesh -- Global financial architecture : Capital adequacy and financial soundness,financial liberalization and globalization, international financial institutions, financing for development - Monterrey consensus -- External aid and development : Official development assistance, external aid and economic growth, effectiveness of aid -- Sovereign debt management : Historical perspective, external debt and economic growth, debt contracts and renegotiation, debt relief polices, design of incentives,sovereign debt management -- Project appraisal improved methods : Objectives and commensurability, standard methods of cost benefit analysis, changing preferences and discounting -- Finance and sustainability development : Sustainability development, environmental taxes, finance and global environment, environment and lender liability, extended lender liability (ELL) -- Perspectives : Broad approach, country risk analyses and credit ratings- motives for borrowing and assessment of risk, sovereign debt, sovereign risk, credit risk, country risk
Year: 2003
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