Empowering panchayats: Handbook for master trainers using participatory approach
by Bandyopadhyay D
Published by : Rajiv Ghandhi Foundation (New Delhi) Physical details: 370p. ISBN:81-8069-041-5.
Training for empowerment
Base module- operational training for members and government functionaries of village panchayat : Principles of panchayti raj governance, gender and social justice, people centered community development, politico- legal orientation, panchayti raj governance, roles of panchayati raj institution, structure of panchayati raj institutions, role of village panchayat, management orientation, village panchayat administration, management of community development, financial management of village panchayat, good governance, micro planning orientation for social justice and economic development
Suite of training modules : Introductory training for members and government functionaries of village panchayat, introductory training for members and officers of intermediate panchayat, training-cum- awareness camp for zilla parishad members and officers, training-cum-awareness camp for key zilla parishad office bearers, operational training for members and officers of zilla parishad, operational training for members and officers of intermediate panchayat, mass awareness-cum-motivation camps for members and officers of panchayat raj institutions, training- cum-motivation camps for members of gram sabha, mass awareness camp about Panchayati raj, awareness camps for media about Panchayati raj
Year: 2003
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