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Protecting the Ozone layer: The United Nations History.

by Andersen Stephen O;
Additional authors: Sarma K Madhava
Published by : Earth Scan (New Delhi) Physical details: 513p. ISBN:81-7554-253-2.
Subject(s): Ozone -- Business policy -- World plan -- Science of ozone depletion from theory to certainty : Early theories, modern scientists hypothesize threats to ozone, discovering and measuring Antarcticozone hole, international scientific team link CFC and ozone depletion first assessment1989- 1987 protocol inadequate total phase out required, 1991- quicker phase out possible, control HCFCs and methyl bromide, expedition finds significant depletion over the northern hemisphere, mount Pinatubo volcano depletes ozone, arcticozone depletion confirmed, montreal protocol working )DSs in the atmosphere peak in 1994, ozone layer today -- Diplomacy - beginning 1947-1987 : World plan of action 1977, coordinating committee on ozone layer (CCOL) and ozone layer bulletins, harmonizing national policies, governing council sets up a negotiating group, Ad Hoc working group of legal and technical experts, first draft convention and discussion, first specific proposal to control CFCs, further negotiations, Vienna convention for protection of ozone layer, first comprehensive scientific assessment, economic and environmental workshops, negotiations on protocol, seventh draft protocol 1987, Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer -- Diplomacy- from strength to strength 1988-92 : Preparation for entry into force of convention and protocol, dissatisfaction of major developing countries, diplomacy- racing towards success 1993-2001, technology and business policy, commercial history of ozone depleting substances, industry opposition and support for regulation of ozone depleting substances, industry response to Montreal protocol, industry and military motivation for leadership on zone protection, phasing out ozone depleting substances from US military applications, criteria and evaluation after the Montreal protocol, technical strategies to reduce and eliminate ozone depleting substances, environmental perspective on substitutes and alternatives, economics of phasing out ozone depleting substances -- Implementation of Montreal protocol : Global environment facilities (GEF), role of national governments, other organizations and NGOs -- Compliance with Montreal protocol : Reporting on compliance measures, role of implementation committee, non complience by parties with economies in transition, compliance by developing countries operating under article 5 -- Media coverage of ozone layer issue : Molin-Rowland hypothesis, US ban on CFC aerosol products, discovery of Antarctic ozone hole, negotiating and signing the Montreal protocol, London conference on saving the ozone layer -- Environmental NGOs ozone layer and Montreal protocol : NGOs as shapers of policy, role of environmental NGOs in ozone campaign, litigation and collaboration, raising awareness and generating media coverage, advocacy work on policy and alternative technologies, working with industry and government, boycotting ODS products and creating demand for ozone friendly products, monitoring implementation of Montreal protocol -- Successes of ozone regime, lessons from development of Montreal protocol, industry cooperation
Year: 2004
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