Livelihood & Gender:-Equity in community resource management.
by Krishna Sumi
Published by : Sage Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 452p ISBN:0-7619-9779-2.
Natural resources in India in Management.
Social aspects in India.
Women in economic development in India.
Genderscape of community rights in natural resource management
Livelihoods in transition - field interventions : Overcoming gender barriers- local knowledge systems and animal health healing in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, mainstreaming gender concerns in mangrove conservation and management- Pichavaram coast Tamil Nadu, organizing women through wasteland development in West Bengal, empowering women in watershed management in Madhya Pradesh, engendering community rights- women's access to water and wasteland in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
Gender needs and resources management : Gender and ecological sustainability - traditions and wisdom of local communities in a dry zone Sri Lanka, managing ecosystems for women's health in Uttaranchal, exploring the impact of chromite mining on women mineworkers and women of sukinda valley Orissa, gender and disasters- coping with drought and floods in Orissa, enhancing women's mobility- transport and gender relations in Santal parganas Jharkhand, people's land reform initiatives- note on the Bundelkhand Baghelkhand area Madhya Pradesh
Institutions, customs and state : Gender, class, caste and participation- community forestry in central Nepal, women and community forests in Orissa- rights and management, community institutions and gender- fish workers in Kasaragode, Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram, gender aspects of family property and land rights- regulation and reform in Kerala, gender, tribe and political participation- control of natural resources in north- eastern India
Reflections on agency and empowerment : From subjects of change to agents of change- travelogue in Himachal Pradesh, limits of empowerment- Mallahin fishponds in Bihar, Knowledge systems, equality and rights- dialogue with Vina mazumdar
gender & development
Year: 2004
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