Social security in the global village
by Sigg Roland
Additional authors:
Behrendt Christina
International Social Security Series
Published by :
Transaction Publishers
Physical details: 392p.
Social security.
Social security in global village- mapping the issues
Globalization and challenges for social security : Globalization and challenge for social security, financing of social protection in context of economic globalization, globalization and national welfare regimes in East Asian case, southern European welfare states facing globalization- social dumping
Global pressures and internal adjustments : Globalization and welfare state- constraints, challenges and vulnerabilities, impacts and non-impacts of globalization on social policy- social insurance quality, institutions, trade exposure and deregulation in 18 OECD countries 1960-1995, globalization and social adjustement- case of small developed countries- comparative view of New Zeal;and, Sweden and Switzerland, income distribution and social security in OECD perspective
Migration : Non discrimination, free movement and social citizenship in Europe- contrasting provisions for EU nationals and Asylum- seekers, migration and social security- parochialism in the global village
Labor market and social security : Changing rights and obligation and unemployment insurance, combating unemployment, trade off between employment and social protection in Europe's economic and monetary union, family policy, work incentives and employment of mothers
Social cohesion : Welfare pentagon and social management of risks, holes in safety net- social security and alleviation of poverty in comparative perspective, back to basic- safeguarding an adequate minimum income in active welfare state
Year: 2002
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