Women and grass roots democracy in the Americas: Sustaining the initiative
by Marks Dorrit K
Published by : North-South Center Press (USA) Physical details: 269p ISBN:1-57454-017-3.
Political participation in Latin America.
Citizens' associations in Latin America.
Women and democracy in Latin America.
Sustaining grass roots initiatives : Sustainability a challenge for civil organizations
Conference proceedings : Consolidation of democracy in Americas, influencing public policy, development and fund raising, media and publicity
Effective citizen initiatives : CONCIENCIA Argentina, LIBRA Brazil, PARTICIPA Chile, CONCIENCIA Peru
Building public consensus : New political profiles and changing electoral tendencies in Argentina, creating consensus for economic reforms, allocating scarce financial resources in your community
Government accountability : Government accountability to the people, keeping government accountable
Working with the media : Uses of local media in consolidation of democracy
Fund raising for the non profit organization : Development plan, elements of writing a successful proposal, creating fund raising consciousness in Latin America
Consolidating democracy in Americas : Achieving sustainability linkages for north south democratic cooperation, setting the agendas- results and conclusions,
Funding resources- sources of funding
Educational and training resources- educational institutions and training
Civil society organizations
women & politics
Year: 1996
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