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Debating development: NGOs and the future - essays from development in practice

by Eade Deborah
Additional authors: Ligteringen Ernst
Published by : Oxfam (Oxford) Physical details: 421p ISBN:0-85598-444-9.
Subject(s): Non-governmental organizations- NGOs -- Development in practice, Oxfam international and debating development -- NGOs and future - taking stock, shaping debates, changing practice, reflections on past and future 50 years for northern NGOs, riding high or nosediving- development NGOs in the new millennium, international NGO and challenges of modernity, globalization, civil society and multilateral systems, world bank, neo-liberalism and power- discourse analysis and implications for campaigners -- Dissonance or dialogue- changing relations with corporate sector, NGOs as development partners to corporates- child football stitchers in Pakistan, NGOs fragmented dreams, indicators of identity- NGOs and strategic imperative of assessing core values, development agencies global or solo players, coming to grips with organizational values, controversial way of being and acting, northern NGO advocacy- perceptions, reality and challenge, fashion or the best way to change the global agenda, international anti-debt campaign, southern activist view for activists in norther and south, NGO advocacy in international policy -- Dissolving the difference between humanitarianism and development mixing of a rights-based solution, aid, local capacities for peace project- sudan experience, NGOs, disaster and advocacy- caught between the prophet and shepherd boy, capacity building, gendering the millennium- globalizing women, gender in development, impact assessment- seeing the wood and trees, assessing the impact of a UK neighbourhood project
Year: 2001
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