Rural development: Panchayat - volags interface
by All India Council for Mass Education and Development
Published by : All India Council for Mass Education & Development (Calcutta) Physical details: 95p.
Non-Governmenttal Organisation
Panchayati Raj
Voluntary organizations and panchayats, wither development, NGO's and Panchayati raj a need for functional coordination, panchayats and NGOs in rural development, non- governmental organization and Panchayati raj activities and coordination in rural development, cooperative roles of Panchayati raj and non governmental organizations in rural development, role of NGOs in panchayati raj, panchayat, NGOs and development- point counterpoint
Environmental conservation and Panchayati raj- sustainable rural development from below, role of NGO's vis-a-vis panchayati raj in rural development, role of NGOs vis-s-vis panchayati raj in context of rural development, education of illiteracy among women
Year: 1998