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Samrudhi: A compilation on sustainable agriculture

by Prarambha
Published by : Prarambha (Bangalore) Physical details: 351p.
Subject(s): Farming -- Traditional Agriculture -- Policy Issues -- Gandhian approach -- Sustainable dichotomy, droughts and floods, Indian approach to environment, animal and agriculture, farmers campaign, water conservation, traditional agriculture, green forest called hallakaru, fundamental attitude of the Indian farmers, Agrofrestry and waste land development, sustainable agriculture on dryland conditions of Tamil Nadu, food habits, organic farming -- Support system to farming : Cultivation of paddy and fish, intercropping helps,integrated farming, bullocks, goose keeping, role of all India radio in sustainable agriculture, horticulture, mushroom farming, role of tamil nadu agriculture department in sustainable agriculture,NABARD, agroforesty and sustainable land use, animal husbandary, watershed management, plant breeding, sustainable agriculture -- Health and medicine : Garlic therapy, traditional medicines, herbal cure for malaria, medicinal values of coconut, neem oil cures cowpox, clerodendrum, natural healing, biological contraceptive, indigenous veterinary care, food poisoning, life hazard, garlic cure, agati-sesbania, elephant foot yam, java plum, natural medicine for diabetes, green fodder scarcity leads to bovine sterility, sustainable living -- Pest control-crop protection : using birds, CSTRI, natural pesticides, African marigold traps, control pest without chemicals, fruit flies, protect crops naturally, indigenous agricultural technologies from AP, biological control of pests, neem a biopesticide, controlling rats,carnivorous plants, different natural methods to control pest -- Farm experience : Shimoga farmers, saline soil, true fertilizer, green brigade, problem with farmers in Kolar district -- Soil water- manure : Salinity of water, cost-ineffective irrigation, sunhemp as cattle food and green manure, soil health care, mater management, bio gold, de-salination of water water conservation, bio-fertilisers,recycling bio waste
Year: 1996
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