Urban sociology in India: Reader and source book
by Rao M.S.A
Additional authors:
Published by :
Orient Longman
Physical details: 516p
Immigrant communities
Politics of untouchability
Social transformation
Sociology, Urban in India
India (Republic) Urban regions Social aspects
Traditional urbanism and urbanization
Urbanization in colonial situation
Demographic and ecological aspects
Urbanization in India 1901-1961
Cities in India: growth and location
Morphology of Indian cities
Immigrant communities and neighbourhoods
Rural cities in India
Little madras in Bombay city
Social stratification and mobility
Cast,occupation and social class in Chandigarh
Lucknow rickshawallas: social organization of an occupational category
Social mobility among scheduled castes in Poona
Marriage and family
Intercaste and inter-community marriages in Bombay
Family and kinship groups among the Khatris in Delhi
Tradition and metropolitans : madras
Pilgrim city: Nasik
Dravidian politics
Politics of untouchability
Urban influences on rural areas
Urbanization and social change
Year: 1974
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