Economic development
by Todaro Michael P
Edition statement:7th ed. Published by : Pearson Education Limited (England) Physical details: 783p. ISBN:81-7808-266-7.
Economic Development- principles and concepts
Economic policy
Population Growth
Economics, institutions and development- global perspective, diverse structures and common characteristics of developing nations, theories of development - linear stage theory, structural change models, international dependence revolution, neoclassical counter-revolution, new growth theory, case studies, historic growth and contemporary development- lessons and contraversies
Problems and polices- domestic : Growth, poverty and income distribution, population growth and economic development- causes, consequence and controversies, unemployment - issues, dimensions and analyses, urbanization and rural-urban migration- theory and policy, education and development, agricultural transformation and rural development, environment and development
Problems and polices - international : Trade theory and development experience,trade policy debate- export promotion,import substitution, and economic integration, balance of payments, third world debt, and the macroeconomic stabilization controversy, foreign finance, investment and aid, controversies and opportunities
Possibilities and prospects : planning, markets and the role of the state,financial reform and fiscal policy, critical issues for the twenty-first century- globalization, environment, economic transition, Africa and international economic reforms
Year: 2000
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