Making local governance work: Networks, relationships and the management of change
by Goss Sue
Published by : Palgrave (New York) Physical details: 224p. ISBN:0-333-91788-X.
Local governance
Public organization
Making local governance work
Issues in local governance : Government to governance, changing purpose of governance, public value, legitimacy and accountability, emerging roles for governance networks, emergence of neighborhood, center, region, local and neighborhood
Local governance and communities : Civil society, community development to social capital, revisiting theory, exclusion and inequality, rule of engagement
Relationship organization : Emerging organizational forms, local authorities, public organizations, importance of organizational forms, limits to structural change, opportunities and constraints- inevitability of unintended consequences, creation of hybrids, relationship organization, challenge of information technology, public organizations, alternative models for local governance
Networks and partnerships : Pressure towards cross boundary working, partnerships, networking, practical solutions at local level, making sense of cross boundary working, underlying forces in partnership working, paradigm shift
Politics and politicians : Democratic deficit, changing the structures of local politics, real and imaginary structures, political systems/ culture, real and imaginary community leaders
Why is change so hard : Changing organizations, manager, public manager, public servant, emotionally committed worker, multiple source of power
Learning and unlearning in public organizations : management learning, civic entrepreneurship, managing risk, limits to training, theories of learning
Learning and unlearning in civil society : Political learning, new roles in governance, learning communities
Diversity, role of central government
Year: 2001
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