Theory of the global state: Globality as unfinished revolution
by Shaw Martin
Series: Cambridge studies in international relations Published by : Cambridge University Press (United Kingdom) Physical details: 295p. ISBN:0-521-59730-7.
International relations
Global Revolution
Globality in historical perspective
Critique of national and international relations : Sovereignty and universality, capitalist modernity, state, geopolitics and industrial society, culture, nationality and ethnicity, internationality and anarchy, civil war
Intimations of globality : social science, Sociologism in global theory, transformation of internationality , global price
History and agency - Internationalized bloc-states and democratic revolution : high national-international era, national-democratic revolution, post-national, pre-global world, cold war and integrated bloc-state, democratic revolution
Global revolution, counter-revolution and genocidal war : Bloc-system Global-democratic revolution and state formation
State in globality : Singularity of state, Plurality
Relations and forms of global state power : Border violence, global-western state conglomerate, Quasi-imperial nation-states, Proto- and quasi states , sovereignty
contradictions of state power- towards the global state : Quasi-imperial nation states, global state power
Politics of unfinished revolution
Year: 2000