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Feminism and Indian realities

by Kunjakkan K.A
Published by : Mittal Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 419p. ISBN:81-7099-834-4.
Subject(s): Feminism -- women -- Image of Indian womenhood : personality of Indian women, India's past and heritage of west, road to demoralization, phonography, prostitutions and aids, sex education -- Feminism : Definition and dimension of growth, waves of feminism, second wave feminism, other faction of feminism, fraud v/s feminist, theory of female sexuality, heterosexuality, homosexuality and lesbianism, feminists concepts of family, marriage and motherhood -- Feminists fantasies and fallacies : Three great tragedies, difference is due to evolutional process, why men and polygamous, male and female sexuality are different, biological evidences on sex differences, women a supar sex, multiplicity of males in male prerogative, society is not to blame, how far a women is a man, female orgasm v/s scientific truth, equality of talent and achievement, which sex id superior, sexual harassment a myth , women's body -- Feminism in India : Status of Indian woman through the ages, caste system and women, women and Ashrama dharma, exalted position of women, women during Islamic period, status of women after independence, feminism in India, feminists, influence on Indian women, difference of feminism in west and east, equality- social and legal, decline of feminism, return of lost values, reviving family norms -- Indian realities : Cultural contamination, political pollution and corruption, democratic demoralization, delayed justice, caste, crime and complacency, how to get out of rot -- Women's issues v/s national perspective : Feminism in hostile to Indian realities, women and poverty, women and population policy, role of women in health and family planning schemes, dimensions of women's education in India, women and politics, women for women -- women empowerment
Year: 2002
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