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Sustainable agriculture, poverty and food security: Agenda for Asian economies Vol 1

by Acharya S.S
Additional authors: Singh Surjit | Sagar, Vidya
Published by : Rawat Publications (Jaipur) Physical details: 430p. ISBN:81-7033-725-9.
Subject(s): Agriculture, food security, sustainable development, state,market and civil society -- Food Supply -- Economic aspects -- Agricultural Development -- Urbanization -- Sustainable agriculture and technical change : Biotechnology and its impact on Asian agriculture production structure, technological modernity, environmental correctitude, rural R&D policy an imperative Asian rural development paths, technical change and policy implications for developing sustainable agriculture in Korea -- Ecology and environment, sustainable agriculture, green revolution, policies for Malaysian agri-environment, non-sustainable model of agrarian transformation, impact of urbanization of sustainable agriculture, pilot estimation of green accounting in Korean agricultural sector, hybrid rice technology, farm and economic efficiency, irrigation efficiency -- technical efficiency and technological change in Japanese rice industry, profitability of rice produced by LISA in Korea, dominance of premium varieties in the Japanese rice economy, reduction in rice production cost with benchmarking method in Korea -- Salient features of farming in Nepal, optimal pesticide application for controlling the oriental fruit moth on Asian Pear -- Institutions in agricultural development : Role of institutions in agricultural development, agriculture performance under different institutional settings, agricultural trade and changing institutions, contracting out solution- political economy of contract farming in the Indian Punjab, Comparative advantage of rice production in an ex-rice-importing country - Sri Lanka, enhancing farm productivity through land development in India and China, rural credit in India, using simulation to improve the efficiency of auction and despatching activities in the operational process of the wholesale flower market in Taiwan, potential economic impact of bovine somatotropin on Korea dairy industry
Year: 2002
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338.1 ACH/S (Browse shelf) Volume 1 Available 006410

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