Committees and commissions in India 1947-73. Vol.II: 1955-57
by Kumar Virendra
Published by : Concept Publishing Company (New Delhi) Physical details: 451p ISBN:81-7022-211-7.
Dock workers
Governmental investigations in India from 1955 to 1957 -- Committees in India from 1955 to 1957
1955 - Railway, Lower damodar investigation committee, public service, advisory committee for libraries, alcohol committee, suburban trains
1956 - basic education, agriculture, irrigation, national extension service, export credit guarantee committee, machine tool committee, tobacco expert committee, forest research institutes, Netaji enquire committee, dams, finance commission, committee on co-operative laws, building construction, technical training committee, sanskrit commission, judicial inquiry, demand of labor of port and dock workers, inquiry on administration of Dalmia-Jain companies
1957 - cooperative movements in India, heavy engineering committee, hotel standards and rate structure committee, irrigation and power team on chambal project, library committee to advise UGC about development of libraries and their organizations, jute, inland water transport, technical committee on cement, grain storage structure, slum clearance, floods, class IV staff promotion committee, Banara Hindu university enquiry committee, Ad-Hoc committee on cottonseed oil industry, coal consumption
Year: 1975
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