Local public finance in Europe: Balancing the budget and controlling debt
by Dafflon Bernard
Series: Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-Local Finance Published by : Edward Elgar (USA) Physical details: 302p ISBN:1-84064-878-3.
Local finance in Europe.
Local budgets in Europe.
Requirement of a balanced budget and borrowing limits in local public finance, Theory of sub national balanced budget and debt control : Positive and normative analysis
Local budget and local borrowing in Austria : local fiscal structure, Budget discipline
Local public finance in Belgium - Structure, budget and debt : local public sector, Local public debt and capital expenditure
Local government and debt financing in Denmark : Danish model of local government, Financial system and local government,
Public debt of loacl governments in France : audit and control on the balance of annual local accounts, Fiscal sustainability
Local government borrowing in Germany : Constitutional reforms of public sector finance in 1969/70 and the development of local debt, Local budget and borrowing regulations by state laws
Local borrowing- Italian case
Local government budgeting and borrowing in Norway : Financing of the local public sector
Capital expenditure and financing in the communes in Switzerland, Local government financing and borrowing in Spain : Constitutional restrictions, Regulation of local borrowing, Evolution of local borrowing and BCP compliance
Local government capital expenditure in England : Recent historical pattern of local authority capital expenditure control, Private financing initiatives
Fiscal control in Europe :European versus US local public finance
Year: 2002
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