Project vilayiruthal kaipusthakathinte anubandham
, പ്രോജക്ട് വിലയിരുത്തൽ കൈപുസ്തകത്തിൻറെ അനുബന്ധം Published by : Samsthana Asoothrana Board (Thiruvananthapuram) Physical details: 111p.
Agriculture and related fields, soil and water conservation, animal protection, dairy development, fisheries, co-operatives, rural development, Minor irrigation, traditional energy resources, industries, handloom industries, handicrafts, coir industries, khadhi industries, silk industries, bridges, road, public education, underground water, housing, urban development, training development, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, building construction, social welfare
ചെറുകിടജലസോചനം, കലിങ്ക്
Year: 1997
Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Reference | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY Reference | 352.942 GUL/P (Browse shelf) | Not for loan | 005866 | |
Reference | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY Reference | 352.942 GUL/P (Browse shelf) | Not for loan | G02543 |