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Economic development: An introduction

by Zuvekas Clarence
Published by : Macmillan (London) Physical details: 433p ISBN:0-333-27648-5.
Subject(s): Economic development. -- International trade -- Economic growth and economic development : Growth, theory of development and development of theory, economic growth, income gap, liberation -- Economic obstacles to growth and development- natural resources and capital contraints : Climate soils and terrain, industrial raw materials, capital and growth, vicious circle of poverty, theory of big push -- Non-economic obstacles to growth and development : Modernization,stimulating change -- Population growth and urbanization : World population in historical perspective, declining birth rate in demographic transition, geographic distribution of population, arithmetic of zero population growth, urbanization -- International trade and economic development : Theory of comparative advantage and trade based strategy of development, terms of trade, export price instability, theories of extended dependence -- Role of government- Social overhead capital : Characteristics, financing social overhead capital projects, transportation, telecommunication, electric power, determining investment priorities -- Role of government - Education, health and nutrition -- Role of government - Economic planning : macro economic planning, manpower planning, regional planning, sector planning, project planning -- Agriculture and rural development : Trends in world food production, overcoming obstacles to agricultural development -- Industrialization : Stages in the process of industrialization, import substitution, export -oriented industrialization, recent trends in industrial outputs, intermediate technology, industrial location policy -- Income distribution : Among nations, Income inequality within nations and its relationship with economic growth and developing countries, inequality stimulate growth, alternative measures of income inequality, income redistribution policies -- Employment : Structure of employment in developing countries, unemployment and underemployment, rural underemployment, employment potential of manufacturing, polices for increasing rural employment -- Financing development - Mobilizing domestic savings : Savings capacity of developing countries, trends in domestic and foreign savings, structure of domestic savings, mobilization of private savings- financial liberalization approach, mobilizing private savings, taxation, consumption and investment -- Financing development - foreign aid and private foreign investment -- Reforms in structure of international trade and finance : Regional economic integration, UNCTAD, commodity agreements and producer cartels, tariff preferences, non tariff barriers to trade, regulations governing technology transfer, assessing the effectiveness of trade oriented growth strategies, increased balance of payment assistance from the IMF -- Limits to growth, energy, environment and changing international economic order : Limits of growth, food and population problems, energy crisis and developing countries, destruction of food supply capability
Year: 1979
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