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Best practices: Environment

by Economist Intelligence Unit
Published by : Universities Press (Hyderabad) Physical details: 173p ISBN:81-7371-101-1.
Subject(s): Environmental protection. -- Total quality management. -- Corporate priority : EHS policy, environmental management, building an environmental culture, Johnson & Johnson's neutral environmental impact policy -- Integrated management : EHS management, Merck's five year EHS strategic plan, use of committees to manage green issues, corporate environmental goals spurs action, measuring business performance the environmental way -- Process of improvement : GEMI's elements of total quality environmental management, TQEM, total quality management as a tool for change, AT&T's six step benchmarking process, continues improvement at Volvo, allied signal's worldwide environmental policy, how BAT co-ordinates environmental management in 80 countries, know your environmental management principles -- Employee education : Greening of workforce, environmental training programs, training for community environmental leadership -- Prior assessment : Occidental petroleum- assessing environmental risks of acquisitions, Conoco's oil development project plan, two tales of acquisitions in Eastern Europe -- Products and services : Product-design options to reduce waste at source, greening of packaging, Procter and gamble's path to less packaging waste, green product innovations -- Customer advice : how dow chemical practices product stewardship in marketing and sales, educating customers through green marketing -- Facilities and operations : Polaroid's corporate toxics use and waste reduction program, sustainable manufacturing approach, sustinable manufacturing in practice, 3M's four stage approach to waste minimization, Xerox fosters recycling of solid waste, tips for saving energy in office, DuPont's habitat protection program -- Research to minimise environmental impacts : 3 M's product responsibility guidelines, Bristol Mysers squibb's steps to prevent pollution in R&D -- Precautionary approach : Sandoz fire- lessons learned from crisis, ICI's environmental audit in Taiwan, CFC use in manufacturing worldwide, environmental advertising, green consumer attitudes, gaining a green edge in Latin America -- Constructors and suppliers : Driving greening of supply chain, four steps to encourage suppliers to be green, Bristol- Myers squibb's corporate purchasing guidelines, Nissan works with suppliers to promote recycling, GE plastics design for recycling -- Emergency preparedness : Crisis management - why companies focus on prevention, elements of risk prevention approach, Ashland's emergency preparedness program, chemical manufacturers association's community awareness program, chemical manufacturers association's community emergency, response and preparedness program -- Transfer of technology : Eight options for environmental technology transfer to developing countries, Ciba- Geigy shares experiences with China, industry co-operative to protect the ozone layer -- Contributing to common effort : Corporate philanthropy target environmental education, beyond regulatory mandates- voluntary approach, American trade associations organize to protect the environment -- Openness to concern : Ten communications commandments, six ways to make green public relations work, corporate environmental ambassadors, Rohm and Haas community advisory councils, Ashland oil- model for communicating in a crisis -- Compliance and reporting : Nine ways to categories environmental performance measures, environmental auditing, American financial disclosure of environmental risk, key rules for environmental annual reports, Monsanto's environmental annual report -- Global environmental trends and strategy around the world
Year: 1999
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