National income accounts and data systems
by Minhas B.S
Edition statement:Ed Published by : Oxford University Press (New York) Physical details: 308p. ISBN:019565802-7.
National income
Economic indicators
Economic conditions
Workforce and employment in India 1961-94 : Worker-population ratios (WPR), female workers, national workforce according to censuses and NSS, inter state variations in WPRs, industrial classification of workers according to NSS
NSS data on labour force since 1970s, profile of Incoem workforce
Agricultural and industrial production statistics : industrial production statistics, annual survey of industries, index of industrial production, unregistered manufacturing
Counting the poor : computation of monthly per capita total expenditure (PCTE), poverty line (PL)- Indian practice , consumer price indices, state-specific cost of living indices for middle population, irrelevance of any particular poverty line, planning commission adjustments, regional poverty profiles, APCTEP, FGT measures- socio economic characteristics, average household size (AHS), household social group, educational characteristics, occupational characteristics
Developing a new poverty line for USA- lessons for India : Revising poverty measure, descriptive statistics - CPS 1996, inequality and poverty
Inflation in India - multi dimensional view through various price indices : Measures of inflation, GDP deflator, WPI ad CPIs, regional variation in prices, relative prices movement
Total factor productivity growth in Indian industries a review of studies : Total factor productivity- concept and measurement productivity growth in industry, TFPG estimates, production function studies
Monitoring recent past- options and strategies : national accounts indicators, index of industrial production, retail sale index, consumer price indices, employment and unemployment statistics, monetary statistics, business tendency surveys, consumer sentiment surveys
Selected problems in implementation of international system of national accounts 1993- case study of Canada : Mutually exclusive sectors, quasi corporations, government sectors, household sectors, NPISHs, head office activities, homogeneous production, production account for industrial sectors, FISIM on own funds, bank of Canada, modified basic price verification of goods and services, final consumption expenditure and actual final consumption, gross capital formation for valuables, software produced for own use, government emplyees defined benefit pension plan, supply and use tables and input-output tables, chain indices
Decentralization and development - defining the data requirements : Governance and decentralization, data and decentralization
Decentralized database for local government : prospects for democratic decentralization and local data system, current village level data generation, proposal for statistical modernization at local level
East Asian crisis
Year: 2002
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