Economic developments in India - accompanied by a CD: Analysis, reports and policy documents
by Kapila Raj
Additional authors:
Kapila Uma
Academic Foundation's Continuing Series
Published by :
Academic Foundation
Physical details: 319p.
Information Technology
Indian Agriculture and Reforms
Macro Economic
Monetary Development
Financial Market
Budget in cool vision of hindsight 20021-02, role of top management in handling reputational risk in banks, information technology in transportation, financial stability in light of online banking and e- commerce, Indian agriculture and reform- concerns, issues and agenda , mergers and acquisitions, towards greater financial stability
Macro economic and monetary developments in 2000-2001, industrial policy and development, financial market structure in India, corporate governance standing committee on international fund standards act, index of industrial production, India's foreign trade, banking financing of equities and investments in share, Indian planning experience, monthly economic indicators
Year: 2001