Foucault, health and medicine
by Petersen Alan
Additional authors:
Bunton Robin
Published by :
Physical details: 256p.
Human science
From governmentality to risk, some reflections on Foucault's contribution to medical sociology, Foucault's medicine
Fabricating Foucault : Foucault and sociology of health and illness
Discourses of health and medicine : Mental health, criminality and human sciences, at risk maladjustment- problem of child mental health, Foucault and medicalization critique
Is health education good for you- rethinking health education through the concept of bio power, bodies at risk- sex, surveillance and hormone replacement therapy, Foucault, embodiment and gendered subjectivities - case of voluntary self starvation
Governmentality : Of health and state craft, risk governance and new public health, governing risky self how to become healthy wealthy and wise, popular health, advanced liberalism and good housekeeping
Year: 1997
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