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The human rights watch global report on women's human rights

by Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Project
Series: Oxford India paperbacks. Published by : Oxford University Press (New Delhi) Physical details: 458p. ISBN:019-565-4544.
Subject(s): Crimes against -- Human rights -- Violence against women -- International legal protection -- Rape as a weapon of war and a tool of political repression : History of impunity, role of domestic law, international protections, rape in Bosni-Hercegovina, assault by Bosnian Serb forces, Bosnian croat, Bosanian government and Muslim forces -- Rape in Somalia, rape in Haiti- women under Cedars regime, sexual assault, Assault by military agents, army attaches, zenglendos, impunity and non-report of rape, role of discrimination and stigma, US policy -- Rape in kashmir- Rape by security force- pattern of impunity, rape by militant groups -- Violence against women in Peru's armed conflict : Pattern of impunity, rape by security forces, threats and murder of women leaders, attacks on survival organizations, murder of Maria Elena Moyano -- Sexual assault of refugee and displaced women : Responsibility of governments, relief community, refugee asylum law, Burmese refugees in Bangladesh- rape by Burmese military, Bangladeshi military and parliamentary forces, response of Bangladesh government and UNHCR, Somali refugees in Kenya - rape in refugee camps in north eastern Kenya, rape by shifts, multiple and repeated rapes, rape by kenyan government and UNHCR, recommendations to the united nations high commissioner for refugees, to host government -- Abuses against women in custody : International legal protection, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment -- Policy abuse of women in pakistan : Discrimination under the hudood ordinances, police abuse of women in custody -- Sexual abuse of women prisoners in US : Custodial environment in US- state prisons, sexual misconduct and US law, rape, sexual assault and criminal sexual contract, abusive body searches and privacy violations, response of state governments, need for enhanced federal oversight, sexual assault by US border patrol agents, women detained in Egypt -- Trafficking of women and girls into forced prostitution and coerced marriage : International legal protections, slavery like practices and forced labor, torture, failure to ensure equal protection, international initiatives, Burmese women and girls trafficked to Thailand, Nepali women and girls trafficked to India, Bangladeshi women and girls trafficked to Pakistan -- Abuses against women workers : Asian domestic workers in Kuwait, discrimination against women workers in Russia, employment discrimination in post communist Poland -- Domestic violence : Violence against women in Brazil, violence against women in Russia, south Africa -- Reproduction, sexuality and human rights violations : International legal protections, human rights and reproduction, human rights and sexuality, forced virginity exams in Turkey, abortion debate and violations of civil liberties in Ireland, abortion policy and restrictions on women's rights in post communist Poland -- women & law
Year: 1995
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