Let farmers judge: Experiences in assessing the sustainability of agriculture
by Hiemstra Wim;Reijntjes Coen;Werf Erik van der
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Intermediate Technology Publications
Physical details: 208
Measuring sustainability
What criteria to use : Cost of change in plant protection, lessons from Mantaro valley project, soil erosion, on farm research and household economics
Aspects of economic assessment : Soil mining- unseen contributor to farm income in southern Mali, labor costs- critical element in soil conservation, sustainability issues with intercrops, crop yields and small scale family farm economy, farmer's assessment of ecological cropping techniques
Comparing farming systems : Low input cropping for acid soils of humid tropics, indigenous soil management in Latin America tropics- neglected knowledge of native people, high and stable crop yields- Bontoc rice terraces, sloping agricultural land technology experience, benefits of diversity- organic coffee growing in Mexico, can ecological agriculture meet Indian farmer's need, economic assessment of rice fish culture in Philippines
Year: 1992
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