Community water development
by Kerr Charles
Published by : Intermediate Technology Publications (London) Physical details: 279p ISBN:0-946688-23-0.
Water resources development in Developing countries.
Water-supply, Rural in Developing countries.
Wells in Developing countries.
Technology for the people : Technology and community , Small scale projects
Shallow wells : Hand-dug water wells lined with reinforced concrete, Shallow wells for low-cost water supply in Tanzania, Wells for Mali, Sahel case study in Gambia
Tube wells : Groundwater development using jetted boreholes, Tackling water supply problems in Uganda with REDR, Multi-disciplinary approach to drilling boreholes in Senegal
Rain water harvesting : in India ,Drought , Social dimension of harvesting rain-water in Turkana, Rainwater catchment system in Botswana
Water conservation : water from rocks and sands, groundwater recharge by gully-plugging, Simple weirs for diverting water, Design and construction of small earth dams
Pumping alternatives : Water for rural communities, Washer pumps, Hydraulic ram, Windpumps bring water to the Turkana desert, Solar pumps in Somalia
Handpump testing and development : Consumers association testing programme, Blair research laboratory's contributions to water decade , Malaysian village comment on simple plastic handpumps
Handpump maintenance : India mark II handpump, Tilonia approach, Working towards village-based Handpump maintenance, Working towards village based handpump maintenance UNICEF's approach in India, Handpumps in Morocco
Water transport and storage : Role of women, Banboo water pipes and wooden tanks, Ferrocement tank , Prefabricated fibre-reinforced cement irrigation channels
Educational and training : Ways of involving women in water projects, Planning intensive training courses, Demonstration for self help
Planning and management : Guide lines on planning and management of rural water supplies in developing countries : Managing seasonal man made water resources, Community managed drinking water schemes in Nepal, falaj- a traditional co-operative system of water management
Year: 1989