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Beyond farmer first: Rural people's knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice

by Scoones Ian;Thompson John
Additional authors: Ed
Published by : Intermediate Technology Publications (London) Physical details: 301
Subject(s): Theoretical reflections on knowledge, power and practice : Agriculture, knowledge, consciousness and prejudice- adaptive agricultural research in Zambia, indigenous management and management of indigenous knowledge, cultural dimension of knowledge conflict in Andes, trees, people and communities in Zimbabwe's communal lands, declarations of difference, indigenous soil characterization in northern Zambia, farmer experimentation and agricultural extension in Rwanda, Composing rural livelihoods - from farming systems to food systems -- Methodological innovations, applications and challenges : Challenges for agricultural research and extension methodology, participatory watershed management in India, challenges in collection and use of information on livelihood strategies and natural resource management, RRA and farmer research groups in Zambia, quality control, method transfer and training, ethics of documenting rural people's knowledge- investigating milk marketing among Fulani women in Nigeria, stimulating farmer experimens in non chemical pest control in central America, encouraging knowledge exchange- integrated pest management in Indonesia, farmer's experimentation in Mali/ northern Ghana, local knowledge formation and validation- case of rice production in central sierra Leone, participatory methods and political processes- linking grassroots actions and policy making for sustainable development in Latin America -- Transforming institutions and changing policies : New professionalism and institutions for agriculture, NGOs, local organization for supporting people based agricultural research and extension, federations and food systems- organizations for enhancing rural livelihoods, institutional biases- who set the research and extension agenda in Amazonia, will farmer participatory research survive in international agricultural research centers, linking researchers and farmers through developmental on farm research, populist pipedream on practical paradigm- farmer-driven research and project agro Forestier in Burkina Faso, alternatives to current agricultural research and extension systems, facilitating sustainable agriculture- turning policy models upside down, village managed extension systems- implications for policy and practice, community first- Landcare in Australia, creating learning systems- metaphor for institutional reform for development
Year: 1994
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