Modern economics: An introduction for business and professional students
by Harvey Jack
Edition statement:6th Ed Published by : Macmillan Press Ltd (London) Physical details: 558p ISBN:0-333-59385-5.
Economics: problems , Scope, Positive economics, normative economics
Methods of allocating resources : Functions of an economic system , Market economy, Command economy, Mixed economy, Micro and macro economy
How price in formed in the free market : Vale and price, markets, forces determining price, demand, supply, market clearing
Application of demand and supply analysis : price in free market
Further looks at demand : Demand curve, Price elasticity of demand
Theory of production
Firm, Organisational and scale of production, Division of labour, Advantages of large scale production, Predominance of the small firm, Distribution of goods to the consumer, Scope of production, Wholesaler, Retailer, Middleman
Location of production, Combining the factors of production, Deciding on the most profitable output
Equilibrium, Perfect competition
Supply curve of the industry under perfect competition
Rewarding the factors of production : the marginal productivity theory of distribution
Determination of the Price of a factor service
Government and the allocation of resources
market failure and the role of government
Market failure and the role of government : Efficiency in the allocation of resources, Economic functions of government , Assumption of perfect competition
Monopoly: Imperfect competition, Foundation of monopoly , Equilibrium output of the monopolist, Public policy
Imperfect competition
Monopolistic competition Oligopoly, Pricing policy in the real world
Externalities and cost benefit analysis
Cost benefit analysis
Environment: conservation and pollution
maintaining stock of fish, preserving an historic building, pollution
Provision of goods and services by the public sector
Case for public sector provision, Accountability vs economic efficiency , Pricing policy, nationalised industries and privatisation
Rewards to the different factors of production
labour and wages, capital and interest, Land and rent, Entrepreneurship and profit,
Money and financial institutions
Money and rate of interest , Financial market, Clearing Banks,Cash-ratio approach, banks in England, Monetary base control, Competition and credit control(CCC), rate of interest control
Government and stabilisation policy
Measuring the level of activity : national
Income calculations
Principles of national income calculations , National income statistics , Country's material standard of living
Level of output aggregate demand : Keynesian explanation
Employment and price level, Inflation,Policies to achieve price stability, economic growth, balanced regional development , Government policy, Monetarist theory , Supply side measures, Public finance , Taxation
International trade
Nature of international trade , Balance of payment , Foreign exchange rates, Correction of a balance-of-payment disequilibrium, Reducing expenditure on imports, expenditure-switching, exchange rate, managed flexibility, international liquidity
European community
Population in UK
Current problems and polices of the UK
Balance of payment difficulties
Year: 1969
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