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The national income of India in the twentieth century

by Sivasubramonian S
Published by : Oxford University Press (New Delhi) Physical details: 655p. ISBN:019-565050-6.
Subject(s): National income -- Saving and investment. -- Revenu -- annual estimates of national income of India 1900-1 to 1946-7 : Population and working force, economic classification, occupational distribtion, income from primary sector, income from agriculture, income from livestock, milk and mil products, income from forestry, income from fishery, net value added by the primary sector -- Income from secondary sector, mining and quarrying, organized manufacturing industries, employment, wage, cotton textile industry, jute industry, sugar industry, paper industry, cement industry, woollen industry, iron and steel industry, match industry, small scale and cottage industries, net value added by the secondary sector -- Income from tertiary sector : Government services - administration, central and provincial governments, defence services, native states, municipalities, district and local boards and port trusts, minor commercial activates, deflation problems and procedures, government commercial activities- railway and communitation, post and telegraphs, other commerce and transport, professions and liberal arts, domestic services, house property, contribution of the tertiary sector -- national income and gross domestic product of undivided India 1900-1 to 1946-7 : Net income from abroad, net domestic product and national income, national income at 1948-9 prices, estimates of gross domestic product, implicit deflation and price indices -- Long term trends, 1900-1 to 1946-7 an analytic interpretation : trends in GDP and current prices, trends in real output, growth of real GDP in primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector, commodity producing and service sectors, agriculture and non-agriculture sectors, public and private sectors, structure of working force, real product per worker, inter sectoral inequality in product per worker -- Long term trends in GDP 1947-8 to 1999-2000 : National income and gross domestic product of India, development since 1948-9, estimamtes of GDP at current prices for 1948-9, 1949-50, 1946-7 and 1947-8, estimates of national income at current and 1948-9 prices, deficiencies in official estimates, recent revisions of GDP estimates by CSO -- Long term trend 1947-8 to 1999-2000 an analytic interpretation : Trends in GDP cureent prices, trends in real GDP, structure of GDP, growth of primary sector, secondary sector, manufacturing, registered/unregistered manufacturing, trends in growth of industries, growth of tertiary sector, public administration and defense (PAD) and GDP, commodity production and non-commodity production, organized and unorganized sectors, public and private sectors, structure of working force, real/relative product per worker
Year: 2000
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