Public choice II: A revised edition of public choice
by Mueller Dennis C
Published by : Cambridge University Press (United Kingdom) Physical details: 518p. ISBN:0-521-37952-0.
Social choice
Origins of the state
Reason for collective choices
Public goods
Voluntary provision of public goods with constant returns to scale
Voluntary provision of public goods with varying supply technologies
Externalities, Coase theorem
Allocative efficiency or redistribution
Public choice in a direct democracy
Voting ruel, Unanimity rule, Vernon smith's auction mechanism, optimal majority
Majority rule and redistribution
Majority rule - positive properties
Median voter theorem
Majority rule equilibria when preference are not defined in spatial terms
Proof of extremal restriction -Majority rule theorem
Agenda manipulation
Majority rule-normative properties
May's theorem on Majority rule
Rae-Taylor theorem on Majority rule
Simple alternatives of Majority rule
Borda count
Implication of electoral reforms
Complicated alternatives to Majority rule
Demand-revealing process
Point voting
Hylland-Zeckhauser point voting procedure
Voting by veto
Theory of clubs
Global optimality via voting-with-the -feet
Theory of revolution, equity
Public choice in a representative democracy
Two-party competition-deterministic voting
Two party democracy
Median voter hypothesis
Local public expenditure
Two-party competition-probabilistic voting
Normative characteristics of the equilibria
Equilibria with interest groups
Candidate competition
Candidate as a function of expenditure, campaign contributions , representative voting behaviour
Multi party systems
proportional representation
Electoral rules and number of parties
Coalition formation in multiparty system
Political performance and the number of parties , commentary
Rent seeking
Rent seeking through regulations, tariffs and quotas, governmental contracting, political process , reforms
Supply of governmental output
Budget-maximizing bureaucrat , Environment and incentives
Extensions of the model
Alternative Institutional assumptions, Alternative behavioural assumptions, Bargaining between sponsor and Bureau
Empirical test
Government as a monopolist, Leviathan
Autocratic government
Political competition and macroeconomic performance
Political business cycle
Variables affects voter decision
Logic of collective action and macroeconomic performance
Size of the government
Fiscal illusion
Bureaucracy and the growth of the government
Paradox of voting
Rational voter hypothesis
Utility maximization
Rational voter as minimax-regret strategist
Ethical voter hypothesis
Ethical preferences as selfish behaviour, selfish voter
Normative public choice
Real valued social welfare functions
Axiomatic social welfare functions
Paretian liberal
Social contract
Two principles of justice
Critique of the Rawlsian social contract
Utilitarian contract
Just social welfare function
Just political constitution
Alternative axiomatic characterizations of SWFs
Social welfare function to constitution
Normative and positive theories of public choice compared
Normative theories of redistribution
Positive theories of redistribution
Social insurance, social welfare, private welfare, special interest
Allocation, redistribution and public choice
Year: 1989
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