Women, poverty and resources
by Wignaraja Ponna
Published by : Sage Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 241p ISBN:81-7036-168-0.
Women in rural development in Developing countries.
Poor women in Developing countries.
Rural development projects in Developing countries.
innovative approaches in south Asia : Grameen bank- Bangladesh, Bangladesh rural advancement committee, production credit for rural women- Nepal, working women's forum (WWF) and working women's forum credit society (WWCS) - India, self employed women's association and SEWA bank India,fund for poor women in India, Baldia home schools in kachhi Abadies of Pakistan
Some essential features and lessons from these south Asian experiences
Potential for innovative approaches in Africa : Development education programs of the Catholic diocese of machakos Kenya, Iringa - Tanzania, savings clubs and savings development movement- Zimbabwe, six s association in Sahel Burkina Faso
Initiating new programs in Latin America : Income generation project for independent workers in Colombia, pomocion del desarrollo popular Mexico, new sound from sensitive donors, collaborative between sensitive donor agencies
women & poverty
Year: 1990