Encyclopedia of dalits in India: Struggle for self liberation
by Paswan Sanjay;Paramanshi Jaideva
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Kalpaz Publications
Physical details: 332p; Vol. 2
Ancient Literature and Caste System : Origin of Dasyus, Jainism and Budhism, Prakrit and Pali language, Dalit Revolt Under Ambedkar, Dalit Literature Movement, Women's issue in Ambedkar's Writing, Bangali Dalit Poetry, Kaibarta Rebellion in Bengal, Siddhas and Cast system, the Nathapantha, Rabindranath Tagore's Poetry with Anti-Cast Traces
Dalits:Their Experiences : Dalit Leaders and Their Schemes Social Organisations, Political parties, Mahars and Buddhists, Bheem March, Experiences of a Dalit Students, Literacy among Dalits, Court Ruling on Freeship to Reserved Category Students, Dalit girl students, Case of Harassment
Atrocities Committed by Landlords : Types of Atrocities, Girijans, kurumas, Lack of Uniformity in Scheduled Castes Social Category and Urge for Development and Protest
Struggles for Self Liberation : Social and Economical Realities, Dalit Identity, Dalit Panthers Movement,
Uplift of the SCs: A Human Right Perspective : International Bill fro Human Right, Social Enlightenment and Education, Economic Development, Ownership of Land, Child labour, Adi-Andhra Movement, Upper class Violence, Landless Labour
Democracy and Protection of Dalits : NHRC, Economic Growth, Human Rights, Dalit empowerment, Ambedkar's vision, Socio-economical power, Representation of Dalit in high court and other noble institutions,
Sociological Aspects of the Dalit Movements : Social mobility, Sanskritization model of Dalit mobility, Mahatma phule's call for revolt, Brahmin domination and orthodoxy, Social mobility
Economic Policies and Dalits : Collective good, NEP, Public sector, Lack of awareness about Dalit rights,Dalit employment, Marxism and Buddhism, Moral economy, Ambedkar's economic theory, Psychological mobilization, Psychological transformation , Political activism
Outcome of Social Mobility : Violence against Dalit, Jatav affiliation, marginalisation,
Mobilising the NHRC against Untouchability and Regulating Food Rights: Caste system, Caste hierarchy, Legislative measures, Agenda of BJP, Anti beef eating ideology, Electoral mileage,Dalit national movements
Year: 2002
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