Global issues: An introduction
by Seitz John L
Published by : Blackwell Publishers (Oxford) Physical details: 304p. ISBN:0-631-22642-7.
Economic development.
Economic policy.
Economic conditions.
Wealth and poverty : Market approach, state approach, civil society approach, globalization, globalisation
Population : Population explosion, effect on development, aging population and low birthrates, relationships between population growth and poverty, demographic transition, governmental population policies, carrying capacity of earth, population related problem in future
Food : Production, hunger, green revolution, governmental food polices, climate, sustainable agriculture, biotechnologgy, fishing and aquaculture
Energy : Energy crisis, government responses, oil demand, energy consumption, energy crisis in less developed countries, non-renewable energy sources, renewable energy sources,, nuclear power
Environment : Air pollution, water, land, solid and toxic waste, governmental and industrial responses to waste problem, deforestation,cancer, pesticides, use of national resources, resource efficiency, substitution, reducing development, over development, extinction of species, culture, environmental politics
Technology : Short term v/s long term benefits, DDT, factory farms, green revolution, foreign aid, war, limits, nuclear weapon
Alternative futures : Nuclear weapon, pollution, famines, over population, resource depletion, growth, sustainable development
Year: 1995