Natural resource links: A directory of government institutions dealing with natural resources
Published by : Centre for Science and Environment (New Delhi) Physical details: 378p.
Environment : Ministry of environment and forest, State environment department, Central and state population control board, ganga project directorate, Ganga action plan, Environment assessment committee for mines, industries, thermal power plants and hydroelectricity projects, Central crisis group for major chemical disasters, oil slicks, National waste management council, Universities teaching environmental sciences, parliamentary committee on environment and forest
Agriculture : Ministry of agriculture, Animal husbandry, Soil conservation, State landuse board, Indian council of agricultural research and education, Central soil and water conservation, Agroeconomic research centres, Agricultural universities
Geology : Ministry of mines, Geology survey of India
Water : Ministry of water, Irrigation department, Fisheries department, Flood control department, Central groundwater board, Research institute under ministry of water resources, Water and land management institutes, Water technology centres, PHEDs, Department of ocean development, Oceanography in Universities
Forest : Ministry of environment and forests , State department of forest, national afforestation and eco-development board, forest officers, Advisory committee of forest, Forest development corporation, State social forestry wings, Indian council of forestry research and education, Forestry training institutes, Universities imparting forestry education
Wildlife : Ministry of environment and forests, State wildlife wings, Zoos and botanical gardens, Wildlife research institutes, Project tiger reserves
Genetic resources : Botanical survey of India, Zoological survey of India, Institute for forest genetic resources, national bureau of plant genetic resource, Animal genetic resource, Fish genetic resource
Atmosphere : Indian meteorological department, Universities teaching atmosphere science
Welfare : Ministry of child and women development, State welfare development department, Tribal research institute
Power : Ministry of power and non-conventional energy sources, Ministry of petroleum/ Coal, Department of atomic energy, Research institute dealing in atomic energy, Departmnet of non-conventional energy sources, Regional offices of department of non-conventional energy sources, State electricity boards
Rural development : ministry of rural development, national wasteland development board
Urban development : Ministry of Urban development, Urban developed authorities
Science and technology : Department of science and technology , Council of scientific and Australia research, Institute of CSIR and national laboratories, Department of space, Defence research and development organisation, Department of scientific and industrial research, State council of science and technology, Indian council of social science research, State ICSSR and other social science research institutes
Education : Ministry of education, State departments of education and adult education, Universities/IITs, North-eastern hill university, Universities teaching geography, Department of journalism and mass communication, Regional engineering colleges, National council for education research and training, state council for education, research and training
Industry : Ministry of industry, Ministry of surface transport, List of chief secretaries, Administrative state training institute, public sector companies
Planning : Planning commission, State planning departments
Data gathering institutes : department of statistics, Directorate of economic and statistics, Registrar general and census commissioner of India, Regional directors of census operations, national remote sensing agency, state remote sensing agencies
Year: 1992
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