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The economics of transition: From socialist economy

by Lavigne Marie
Published by : Macmillan (London) Physical details: 295p. ISBN:0-333-52731-3.
Subject(s): Democracy, Economic policy, Free enterprise, Post-communism, International economic relation , World economy -- Real socialism- Bases of the socialist economic system : Party control of the economy- Ideology, Nomenklatura, Economic administration, Local government, Self management , Collective ownership of the means of production, Socialist and Non-socialist ownership , Central planning, Planing techniques, non-reformable system, Plan vs money -- History : USSR, From war communism to the NEP and from NEP to stalinism, Creation of the people's democracies in Europe, Soviet model, Yugoslavia , Variants of the socialist models in the third world countries -- Reforms- Apparent loosening of the party control : Autonomy, State ownership monopoly, Cooperative ownership, Non-state ownership, Combining the plan and the market, Parallel economy -- Performance :Strategy of growth, Variants and alternations of the model, Crisis and the Quagmire, Economic crisise -- International economic relations : functional autarky, State monopoly of foreign trade, Foreign trade planning, Inconvertibility of the socialist currencies, Comecon, Trade and cooperation with the capitalist world -- Present- Transition in the making - Causes of the collapse, First steps of the transition - Central Europe, GDR, PHARE countries, Transition through breaking up, Collapse of comecon, Disintegration of the multinational states,Resistance to transition in Non-European socialist countries -- Macroeconomic stabilisation : Stabilisation policies, Outcome of the stabilisation measures, Monetary-financial field -- Privatisation and structural reforms : Areas of structural transformation, banking and financial sector reforms, Tax reform, Building a new social safety network, Industrial policy necessary -- Reintegrating the world economy : how to reconstruct regional arrangements in the East, CIS space, Reorientation to the west, International migration issues, Emigration, Western assistance to the transition -- Towards a theory of the transition : Market socialism, Oskar lange, Post transition model, Capitalism, Theory of transition, Mixed economy
Year: 1995
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