New panchayati raj system at work: An evaluation
by Palanithurai G
Published by : Concept Publishing (New Delhi) Physical details: 260p ISBN:81-7022-767-4.
Panchayat in Local government in India in Tamil Nadu.
New Panchayati raj systems and its implications, new panchayati raj systems in Tamil Nadu, grass-root democracy yet to start in tamil nadu, Grass root leaders perception of powers, women leaders perception of local bodies, development functionaries perception of new Panchayati raj system, participation of people in program and training, state local governments relations in Tamil nadu, linkages of services of representative of people, functioning of gram panchayat and gram sabha in tamil nadu, functioning of block panchayat case analysis of athoor, functioning of district panchayat- case analysis of dindigul, state sponsored schemes in tamil nadu, agenda for immediate action, case analysis of gram panchayats in Tamil Nadu
Year: 1999
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