Capitalism in the age of globalization: The management of contemporary society
by Amin Samir
Published by : Madhyam Books (Delhi) Physical details: 158p. ISBN:81-86816-09-7.
Capitalism,Business cycle
Competition, International Economics
Global polarization : Unequal development and capitalism, World system and 5 monopolies of the centre, Humanist project of globalization, Global socialism
Capitalist economic management of the crisis of contemporary society : Capitalism expansion, Institutional structure, Bretton woods institutions, IMF, World Bank, GATT-WTO, Globalisation - International Economic management
Reforming international monetary management of the crisis : Flexible exchange rates, Polycentric regionalization
Rise of ethnicity- Political response to economic globalization : Post war cycle (1945-90) , Disintegration of the state and new ethnic ideologies in the third world, Globalization and crisis of nationalhood, Current management of the crisis and its alternatives, Universalism vs particularism and the socialist response to nationalism
Conditions for relaunching development in the south : crisis of capitalism, anti-democratic regression, Religious fundamentalism and neofascism
Challenges posed by globalization - European case : lack of political complementarity in the postwar European economic community project
Ideology and social thought - Intelligentsia and the development crisis : Social theory and the critique of capitalism- Marxism, Post modernism and social movements, Mental operatives, Third world intelligentsia, Diversity of third world and reconstructing the social power of the popular class
Year: 1997
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