Access to power: Politics and the urban poor in developing nations
by Nelson Joan M
Published by : Princeton (New Jersey) Physical details: 463p.
Rural-urban migration
Traditional Leaders
Ethnic Politics
Urban poor
Political participation in Developing countries
Developing countries in Politics and government
Developing countries Urban regions Politics Participation of poor persons
Nature and structure of urban poverty in developing nations
Dualist model and urban income distribution
Informal sector productivity and income trends
Worker satisfaction in the informal sector
Rural exodus
Economic assimilation
Social adjustment of migrants
Political integration of migrants
Urban poor as a political class
Traditional leaders,patrons and urban political machines
Vertically mobilized participation
Patron-client ties and clientelism
Ethnic politics and urban poor
Multiclass ethnic groups
Special interest associations among the urban poor
Neighbourhood associations
Parties and urban poor
Populist leaders and urban poor
Marxist parties and urban poor
Reform parties and urban poor
Year: 1979