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Indian administration

by Yasin Madhvi
Published by : Light & Life Publishers (New Delhi) Physical details: 383p
Subject(s): India in Politics and government in 19th century. -- Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-FitzMaurice, in Marquess of, in 1845-1927. -- Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-FitzMaurice, in Marquess of, in 1845-1927 -- Afghanistan : Indo-afghan relations of eve of lord, forward policy, Durand mission -- North-west and north east frontier : Chitral affair, black mountain expedition, Sikkim and Tibet- Anglo Chinese, convention of 1890, Burma and China -- Princely and feudatory states : Constitutional position of Indian states -- Army and defense, military finances, currency and finance , Indian currency and its problem, rate of exchange, expenditure and national debt, Indian currency association, Indian coinage and paper currency bill 1893, exchange compensation allowance, Dadabhai Naoroji on currency question -- Agriculture and revenue : Imperial department of revenue and agriculture, Dr. Volker's mission, famine relief, state aid to agricultural classes, irrigation, statistics, agricultural improvements, arts, manufactures and economic, mineral and geology survey, meteorology -- Law and legislation : Official secrets bill and Amrita Bazar , I Mamlatdar indemcity bill, petit baronety bill -- Indian civil service, education, Muslim and female education public welfare, medical help to Indian women, imperial library and imperial record office, railways, Indian census 1891, restriction on trial by jury, anti cow killing movements -- Indian national congress, Indian councils act 1892
Year: 1979
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