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Microfinance handbook: An institutional and financial perspective

by Ledgerwood Joanna
Published by : The World Bank (Washington) Physical details: 286p ISBN:0-8213-4306-8.
Subject(s): Issues to consider when providing microfinance -- Understanding the country context : Suppliers of financial intermediation services, Financial sector policies and legal enforcement, Interest rate policies, Government mandates for sectoral credit allocations, Legal enforcement of financial contracts, Financial sector regulation and supervision, MFIs, Economic and social policy environment, Economic and political stability, Poverty levels, Investment in infrastructure and human resource development, Microenterprise sector -- Target market and impact analysis -- Microfinance institutions, Direct and indirect targeting, Cash flow and the capacity to service debt, Minimal equity requirement, Moral hazard, Client oriented impact analysis, Quantitative and Qualitative approach -- Products and services : Financial intermediation, Insurance, Credit cards and smart cards, Social intermediation, Enterprise development services, Social services -- Institution : Formal financing institutions, Semiformal financial institutions,Informal financial providers , Creating and Apex institution, Formal financial intermediary, Capital markets, Institutional capacity building -- Designing and monitoring financial products and services -- Designing lending products : Cash patterns, Loan terms and payment frequency , Loan collateral, Loan pricing, Calculating effective rates , Interest rates, Compulsory savings -- Designing savings products : Saving services, Legal requirement for voluntary saving services , Deposit insurance, MFI's institutional capacity to mobilize savings, Risk management and Treasury, Sequencing the introduction of saving services, Microentrepreneurs, Liquid accounts, Semiliquid accounts, Fixed term deposits, Costa of mobilizing voluntary savings , pricing savings products -- Management information system -- Credit and savings monitoring system, Installing a management information system -- Measuring performance and managing viability -- Adjusting financial statement: Accounting for loan losses, Depreciation of fixed assets, Subsidies and inflation -- Performance indicators : Portfolio quality, Productivity and efficiency ratios, Financial viability,Self sufficiency, Subsidy dependence index, Profitability ratios, Leverage and capital adequacy, -- Performance management : Delinquency management, Productivity and efficiency management, Risk management
Year: 1999
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