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Economic development

by Rees Gareth
Additional authors: Smith Charles
Series: Economics today. Published by : Macmillan (London) Physical details: 189p. ISBN:0-333-72228-0.
Subject(s): Moral and ethical aspects -- Economic conditions -- Human Development -- Industrialization -- World and welfare : income, growth, economic growth, GNP and living standards -- Development- economic and human : Growth and development, economic development, human resource development, food production, industrial and technological change, international relationships , governments and markets -- Population growth : Supply and demand, dependency ration , population control, human poverty index, development trap, Malthusian trap -- Poverty reduction : Environment, relative poverty, income and wealth, disaster and famine, rural poor and empowerment, role of women -- Feeding the world : Famine, chronic hunger and nutrition, trade, banks and debt crisis, stabilisation and structural adjustment policies, local producers and international markets, price fluctuations, social organizations and size of farms, land ownership, land degradation, interdependence, EU surpluses, alternative to cash crops, MDC, LDC -- Industrialisation : Dual sector development model, Lewis model, Myrdal theory, Todaro model, multinational enterprises, MNE and LDCs -- trade and development : Sectoral balance and economies of scale, outward and inward orientation, trade and welfare, free trade v/s protectionism, infant industries and dumping, frictionless trade for LDCs, commodity trade, general agreement on tariffs and trade, globalisation, globalization, regionalism and trading blocs -- Debt crisis : Currency and exchange rate - liquidity problem, adjustment problem, confidence problem, international saving, investing and borrowing - foreign direct investement, borrowing from international institutions, borrowing from banks, LDC debt problem, aid -- Government, externalities and environment : government interventions, macroeconomic policy in post war world, public goods, merit goods and natural monopolies, externalities and environment and government intervention, sustainable development, centralisation and decentralization
Year: 1994
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