Development with a human face: Experiences in social achievement and economic growth
by Mehrotra Santosh | Jolly Richard
Published by : Oxford University Press (United States) Physical details: 493p ISBN:0-19-829076-4.
Economic development in Case studies.
Developing countries in Economic conditions in Case studies.
Social development in high achieving countries - common elements and diversities, health and education policies in high achieving countries
Case studies : Botswana- social development in resource rich economy, Mauritius- roots of success 1960-93, rapid social transformation despite economic adjustment and slow growth- experience of Zimbabwe, route to social development in Kerala- social intermediation and public action, social policies in a slowly growing economy in Sri Lanka, social policies in a growing economy- role of state in republic of Korea
Malaysia- social development, poverty reduction and economic transformation, Barbados- social development in a small island state, Costa Rica- social development and heterodox adjustment, human development in Cuba- growing risk of reversal
paths to social development, links between economic growth, poverty reduction, and social development- theory and policy
Year: 1997