The great ascent: The rural poor in South Asia
by Singh Inderjit
Published by : The Johus Hopkins University Press (Baltimore) Physical details: 444p. ISBN:0-8018-3954-8.
Rural poverty
Agricultural Productivity
Economic history
Regional disparities
Rural poor
Rural poverty : Trends in agricultural output and incomes, agricultural growth and poverty, agricultural wage rates
Agrarian structure : Two theories of agrarian change, structure of ownership holding, structure of operational holdings, landlessness, rural wage labor/labour, rural unemployment, occupational distribution of rural wage employment
Prerequisites for sustained gains in output on small farms : Better cultivating practices, scientific multiple cropping, irrigation, access to credit, market, research and extension
Rural poor and green revolution : Patterns of HYV adoption, yield gains and nutrient use, landless, distribution of gains from the green revolution
Non crop employment for rural poor : Livestock and dairying, small stock development, poultry, fisheries, forestry
Rural industrialization and employment : Employment linkage, rural and small scale industrialization, rural public works programs, specialized poverty programs
Land reform- missed opportunity : Tenancy as an institutional constraint, tenancy reform, ceilings on landholdings and redistribution of land, consolidation of fragmented holdings
Year: 1990
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