Public spending and the poor: Theory and evidence
by Van de Walle Dominique;Nead Kimberly
Published by : Baltimore (Washington D.C) Physical details: 619p ISBN:0-8018-5255-2.
Food Subsidies
public employement scheme
Theory and methods : Political economy of targeting, response of social costs, poverty as capability deprivation, information and incentive compatibility, social and political feasibility, targeting social security- theory and western experience with family benefits,measuring distributional impact of public goods, Aaron McGuire and Brennan measures, labour/ labor supply and targeting in poverty alleviation programs, determinants and consequences of placement of government programs in Indonesia
Spending on education : Measuring the distributional effects of public education in Peru, public schooling expenditures in rural Pakistan- efficiently targeting girls and lagging region
Spending on health : Distribution of subsidies through public health services in Indonesia, government health spending in Indonesia- impacts on children in different economic groups
Cash transfers : Targeting of family allowances in Hungary, private transfers an d effectiveness of public income redistribution in Philippines
Food subsidies : Two errors of targeting, valuing E- and F- mistakes, incentive effects on labor/ labour supply of Sri Lanka's rice subsidy, empirical approach
Public employment schemes : Targeting through a work requirement efficient- some evidence for rural India, cost effective workfare, benefits from Maharashtra's employment guarantee scheme
Comparing instruments : Towards quantifying the trade off- administrative costs and incidence in targeted programs, taxonomy, distributional impact of cash and in kind transfers in eastern Europe and Russia, distributional effects of social sector expenditures in Malaysia, gender targeting of public transfers
Towards a synthesis : Incidence and targeting - overview of implications for research and policy
Year: 1995
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